Total Medals Earned: 1,612 (From 173 different games.) Total Medal Score: 21,965 Points
Medals Earned: 3/3 (65/65 points)
View and visit all artist profiles
View all enemies and bosses
Enter the subspace
Medals Earned: 11/15 (170/425 points)
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
You checked out the full game on Steam, and hopefully wishlist!
You watched our trailer on YouTube, and were thoroughly impressed!
You follow us on Twitter, or X as Elon calls it
You checked the credits, and we thank you for it!
Medals Earned: 3/4 (25/125 points)
open the game !
complete the hideo game
collect all canes
beat the game with no deaths
Medals Earned: 15/19 (140/450 points)
Fully Upgrade Boost
Fully Upgrade Glide
Fully Upgrade Jump
Lose a fare because you took too long.
Complete a fare.
Full Upgrade MoreMult.
Fully Upgrade Vacuum
Kill a pedestrian.
Kill a cow.
Get in a nasty wreck.
Unlock NoSlow.
Fully Upgrade Honk.
Unlocked Evil Mode... How could you??
Collect a flying bag of money.
Kill an ungrateful passenger.
Medals Earned: 20/20 (500/500 points)
Get skewered on spikes
Launch the Turtle
Smash a goomba
Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)
Find the hidden button
Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)
Blow up a jeep
Crush an angry ground creature
Reach space
Get punched by a banana
Get caught by a UFO
Get burned by a sun
Play over an hour
Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)
Use a nuke
Play over 2 hours
Buy everything
Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)
Total over 1 million feet
Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)
Medals Earned: 5/6 (50/100 points)
You correctly guessed a challenge!
You correctly guessed five challenges!
You correctly guessed ten challenges!
You correctly guessed 25 challenges!
Ready to guess with flags?
You correctly guessed 50 challenges!
Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)
You scored well on the trivia!
Medals Earned: 1/5 (10/80 points)
You scored well on the AC:NH quiz!
You scored well on the AC:NL quiz!
You scored well on the AC quiz!
You scored well on the extended AC:NL quiz!
You scored really well on the AC:NH extended quiz!
Medals Earned: 2/2 (35/35 points)
You did well on the trivia!
You did real well on the extended trivia!
Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/45 points)
You scored well on Minecraft 1.15 trivia!
You did well on the extended trivia!