Go karts are old and done a million times and they all are rather similar Mario Kart clones so I got rid of them as a whole. Hoverboards have a lot more freedom in movement and are generally just cooler. After I've gotten enough stuff tested I'm going to start a fresh file and remake pretty much everything with much more care put in to it.
So new stuff in testing.
- Debug stuff to show the state of the boosts and player and coins and stuff.
- More placeholder sprites to have "animations" and make it clear it's a hoverboarding game.
- Sounds just for fun. Nicer to showcase.
- Trick system. After jumping you can do one trick and that gives you a bit of a boost. A mechanic to have Mario Kart type of micro boosts but without having drifting in the game.
- Coins for a Crazy Frog Racer type of item system to not have much random chances in the game aka item boxes.
Stuff to be tested in the future:
- Crazy Frog Racer type of item system.
- Lap counting.
- Slopes, hills and other elevation.
- Platforming.
- Maybe grind rails?
Prototype footage.
For those who don't know how the item system works in Crazy Frog Racer (greatest racing game ever) here it is:
Get coins, use coins to buy items from a menu at any time.