Time for yet another development update.
Two thirds of the way done!
Alright so to start off world 2 is finished complitely. Levels, boss and cutscenes are all finished and done for world 2. Even @GGishere 's voicelines are done. Everything that happens after world 2 is also done. Now I only have world 3 aka the final world to make (5 levels, boss and cutscenes). There is some smaller things to be made like saving and maybe possibly Newgrounds medals if I can figure those out but I'm not promising them.
Now other smaller but important things.
Every levels code and sprites have been optimized a lot more so there should be as little for the game to load per each scene which should make the game run as smoothly as possible. Now something cool I made is a custom loading screen that should appear everytime the game needs to load a lot of stuff. So at the start of the game and when going to different worlds.
Picture of the loading screen. The Blazer at the bottom is spinning btw.
Progress in the future hopefully speeds up a little since I'm done with a big 10 week long college thing and I possibly have more freetime. I'm done with my website for now so that also won't take time away from me.
This game will be comparable to Final Fantasy
This game will be comparable to Wrecking Crew.